Personal Articles & Video
Submitted by their Authors

Lentils in Paradise, by Moris Farhi., A true and nostalgic account of my visits, as a little boy, to the Women's Baths in Ankara. 

Love The Stranger in Thy Mist, by Moris Farhi. The culture of peace, censorship and the writer.

Back to the Nile, by Alain Farhi. A nostalgic report of a trip to Egypt 30 years after leaving Cairo.

Les Juifs de Nasser, by I. Farhi (In English). An reprint of an Express article written by I. Farhi after his arrival in France following his release from Egyptian prisons. In June 1967, following Egypt's defeat in the Six Day War, Nasser rounded up most of the Jewish males for an extended period of time.

Les Juifs de Nasser, par Ibrahim Berto Farhi (en Français). Copie de l'article original publié dans l'Express du 25-31 Decembre 1967.

Pourquoi Nasser ne nous a pas gardés . Interview de Ibrahim Berto Farhi (en Français) par Christophe Ayad dans Liberation du 28 aout 1999.

Memories of Edna Anzarut-Turner, A captivating recollection of the Anzarut families from the Middle East and around the world.

Anzarut Genealogy and the Good Old Days in Egypt by Edna Anzarut-Turner, The history of the Anzarut family in Egypt.

Memories of El Alamein, by Edna Anzarut-Turner. A recollection of Edna's visit to the El Alamein battlefield ( Egypt).

Memories of School in Alexandria, by Edna Anzarut-Turner. A recollection of Edna's arabic language classes in school.

Happy New Year by Edna Anzarut-Turner, A recollection of the Rosh Hashanah amd Yom Kippur celebrations at the Anzarut house in Alexandria.

The Inexorable March of Time by Edna Anzarut-Turner. A reflexion on the 2nd Exodus from Egypt.

A Lost World That Once Stood Still by Edna Anzarut-Turner. A reflexion on the Jewish population of Egypt.

Life after Egypt is sweet indeed! by Edna Anzarut-Turner. A reflexion on the life after Egypt.

Yom Ha'atzmaut 2020 . My indelible memories of Alexandria when the State of Israel was born by Edna Anzarut-Turner.

Memories, by Helen Bekhor,"My mother recalls stories of her youth in Baghdad" 1992.

La Communaute Juive d'Alexandrie de l'Antiquité à nos Jours by Noury Farhi. A reprint of Noury's conference (in French) on the Jewish presence in Alexandria from the early Greek period to his days. First printed in the Nahar Misraim (Egypt).

Les Juifs du Liban, by Fred Anzarouth, Histoire très Abrégée des Juifs du Liban et d'ailleurs, Recueil d'histoires vraies. (in French) 1996.

Les Juifs du Liban (suite), par Nagi George Zeidan, Réponse et clarifications. (in French), Mars 2008

The Jews of Lebanon, by Alain Farhi, Presentation at the 32nd IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genalogy (15 -18 July 2012) in Paris, July 2012

Les Rabbins de la Communaute Israëlite à Beyrouth, par Nagi George Zeidan, Liste des rabbins de 1799 à 1921. (in French), Mars 2008

La Communauté Juive au Liban, Sondages et Recensements de 1173 à 2006 par Nagi George Zeidan. (in French), Mars 2008

Deux Recensements des Juifs de SaÔda et du Liban, Sondages et Recensements de 1173 à 2006 par Nagi George Zeidan. (in French), December 2008

Les noms de familles juives dans les Etats Civils Libanais par Nagi George Zeidan. (in French), December 2008

Le Vieux Quartier Juif à Beyrouth, par Nagi George Zeidan, Description du vieux quartier ou habitaient les Juifs à Beyrouth. (in French), Avril 2008

Histoire du Cimetière Juif à Beyrouth, par Nagi George Zeidan, Histoire du CimetiËre Juif à Beyrouth. (in French), Avril 2008

Histoire de la famille libanaise juive Mann, par Nagi George Zeidan, Origine de la famille Mann. (in French), Juin 2009

Histoire de la Synagogue de Bhamdoun, par Nagi George Zeidan. (in French), January 2011

Histoire de la Synagogue Magen Abraham, par Nagi George Zeidan. (in French), September 2014

Escape or Die, The Escape of Cyril Rofé, by Paul Brickhill, The R.A.F Escaping Society, Published by Evans Brothers Limited, London, 1952

A History of Rabbi Isthori HaParhi, an autobiography translated by the editors of his book Caftor VePerah.

The Remarkable History of Pharchi, a document on Haim Farhi.

Biography of Haim (in French) and for an engraving showing Haim at the court of El Jezzar, translation by Remi Hakim.

Haim "El Muallim" Farhi, a document on Haim Farhi written by Elie Levi in 1934 in Arabic. This English translation is by Abe Mourad

The murder of the 'Prince', Hayim Farhi and the case of his estate by Eliav Shohatman

La Bonté, un poème par Theophile Farhi, Fontenay sous Bois, 1896.

The Farhi Houses in 19th century Damascus, a description of the Mourad and Raphael Farhi houses by John Wilson (1847).

Societe d'Etudes Historiques Juives d'Egypte, Copy of the First Bulletin (1929) of this organization with Charter and names of Members.

The Karaites: An introduction by David Elishaa, submitter of the Karaite tree found on this site.

The Karaits Jews of Cairo: An article written by Boruch K. Helman and published in the March 1979 issue of the Hadassah Magazine.

The Farhi Siddur: Why Am I So Happy to Receive It; by: Albert Elfaks, The Sephardic Heritage Update Newsletter (3rd Nov 03).

Les Juifs À Nice avant le rattachement à la France, by Léon Alhadeff. A document submitted by Dominique Nizard about the origins of his name.

My Life at Abou Zaabal and Tora by Marc Khedr, document about Marc's internment in the Egyptian Concentration Camps, during the Six Day War.

Story of a Jewish refugee from Egypt by Dr Elie Toueg , document about Elie's internment in the Egyptian Concentration Camps during the Six Day War and his arrival as a refugee in New York City.

Joseph Farhi (1878-1945), In Memoriam par Abraham Elmaleh, Oraison Funèbre & Hommage à Joseph D. Farhi par Jacques Stambouli.

History of Farhi families of Damascus and Joseph Farhi (1878-1945)- (in Hebrew). In Memoriam by Abraham Elmaleh.
History of Farhi of Damascus - Appendix to the Diaries of Sir Moses Montefiore by Dr Louis Loewe (in French, PDF in English).

A Personal Exodus Story by Israel Bonan, document about the Bonan family's exodus from Egypt after the Six Day War and immigration to the United States.

The Four Seasons in the Land of Goshen by Joe Rossano, a document about Joe' recollections of the four seasons spent in Cairo.

Souvenirs by Claude Cicurel, Les souvenirs de sa jeunesse à Alexandrie.

Origine du nom Barcilon par Claude Cicurel, Origine du nom.

Origins of the Barcilon surname by Claude Cicurel, Origins of the Surname.

Les Barcilons par Claude Cicurel, Historique des Barcilons Français.

Décès de Ruth Golden par Claude Cicurel, .

Titre de Noblesse des Barcilons par Claude Cicurel, L'astuce d'un descendant - (Barcilon de MAUVANS, célèbre généalogiste Provençal) - de l'Ancêtre, Noble Thomas de BARCILON, M, ressortissant Espagnol (né vers 1280), pour lui attribuer, à posteriori, une date et une ville de naissance fictives (vers 1268 Vence, Alpes Maritimes, France), afin de postuler à un titre de noblesse français (Noble)"

La Souccah by Robert Farhi, Souvenirs de sa creation et survie 40 ans plus tard. Il n'y a pas que les Pyramides en Egypte qui ont survecu les siecles.

The Enigma of the Family Name Souroujon by Moshe Souroujon.

Rabbi Emmanuel Sternheim Loss of Status and Authority: The Transformation of a London Rabbi in Small Town USA by John S. Burger

Three Multilingual Poems by Maryse Schouella,a poet, teacher, translator and writer in English, French and Portuguese,

Les Carmona, Une recherche familiale à l'Alliance Israëlite Universelle par Yves Carmona

Le Grand Osiris (Daniel Iffla), Les liens de la family Tivoly et Daniel Osiris, mècéne juif et nationaliste français par Jamy Tivoly

Antebi Genealogy by Elioz Hefer Antebi (Syrian Jews Conference Bar Ilan, Universty May 2007)

La Dispersion des Juifs d'Egypte, Le Sang des Sacrifiés, Les Larmes du Souvenir, Hommage au Khawaga. Poèmes ecrits par Dr. Elie Mangoubi

La Maison Stambouli, Histoire d'une maison juive à Damas par Jacques Stambouli, paru dans l'Arche, mensuel du judaïsme francais, Novembre 2007)

Les Grandes Familles Juives de Damas de 1799 à 1948, L'action économique et politique des notables juifs des famille Farhi, Stambouli et Liniado par Jacques Stambouli, Communication auprès du Cercle Généalogie Juive, Paris, Mars 2009)

The Time and Life of Dr Joseph Alias Gabbay by Edmond Gabbay, Esq (1923-2005), Private Paper, February 1993

Successful Quest for Ancestors in Aleppo and Baghdad, My Search for Gubbay relatives, by Lucien Gubbay as published in Avotaynu, July 2009

The Antebi Family Heritage The history of the Antebi family by Elioz Hefer, Haifa January 2010

March 10, 1943 . A new document by Betty Leon on her recollection of a fateful day.

A Brief Portrait of Rabbi Hayim Moshe Eliachar, by Albert Bivas as published in Los Muestros #60, September 2005. Additional commenst by Charles Calamaro

The Matriarch Vida Eliachar née Panigel, by Albert Bivas as published in Los Muestros #81, December 2010

A Biographical Essay, by Albert Bivas as published in Los Muestros #31, June 1998

A Biographical Essay: Religious Life, by Albert Bivas as published in Los Muestros #68, September 2007

A Biographical Essay:Cultural and Educational, by Albert Bivas as published in Los Muestros #54, March 2004

The 65th Anniversary of the birth of the State of Israel, by Albert Bivas as published in Los Muestros #91, June 2013

The Sephardic Jewish Congregation & Center of Queens, by Albert Bivas as published in Los Muestros #80, September 2010.

We Are Some Million Refugees, "Jewish Refugees", by Albert Bivas as published in Los Muestros.

Jerusalem, a Sephardic Perspective, by Albert Bivas as published in Los Muestros.

Some Thoughts on Cabbala, by Albert Bivas as published in Los Muestros #93, Dec 2013

Le Judeo Franco-Arabe, by Albert Bivas as published in Los Muestros #94, March 2014

Je Chante Pour un Ami, by Albert Bivas as published in Los Muestros, March 2013

Le Judeo Franco-Arabe Humour Egyptien, by Albert Bivas as published in Los Muestros #96, September 2014

Chief Rabbis of the Ottoman Empire, lists and a few portraits by Albert Bivas .

A la Mémoire de Lee Zeitouni. Poème ecrit par Mimi de Castro

J'ai grandi à l'ombre du Pharaon. La vie en Egypte par Dr Maurice Mizrahi avec une video de son exposé.

Growing up under Pharaoh. Life in Egypt by Dr. Maurice Mizrahi with a video of that presentation.

Famille Levy-Yully. History of the Levy-Yully from the Mellah of Meknes to the Washington Senate via Mogador, by Joël Levy-Corcos (in English) .

Mon Histoire. Comme des Voleurs dans la Nuit ( English, FranÁais, Italiano). Ma sortie d'Egypte par Caroline Delburgo

Lettre à Sir Moses Montefiore. Letter written around 1850 by the sons of Raphael Farhi of Damascus seeking his assistance to get two loans repaid (Manuscript, Français, English) by Judah, Mehir and David Farhi.

Farhi Letters from Istanbul. Early 20th century letters to or from Farhi as recorded in the archives of the Jewish Community of istanbul. Translated by Gilad Aviv.
Les Medecins Juifs d'Egypte Les Medicins Juifs au Service de l'Egypte by Maurice Fargeon-. Histoire Générale depuis l'Antiquité jusqu'à nos jours suivie d'un receuil de biographie des principaux médecins juifs contemporains. Livre de 44 pages avec une préface par Dr. Israël Wolfenson, Professeur de langues sémitiques à l'Université Egyptienne. Le Caire, Imprimerie Lencioni, 1939

Interview of Cesar Ezra Lagnado in Arabic 2019

Biography of Eliahou Sasson (1902-1978) by Avi Sion Dec 2019 . English version and French version .

Avi Sion's collection of books are now available on Academia

Analysis of Victor Sasson's YDNA 111 test results by Avi Sion April 2020. This is not a scienfic paper, but intended to be undertstood by all family members. Victor's haplogroup is T-M70. Click to download the English version and French version.

Out of Egypt, a 96 page document honoring Egyptian families member of the Congregation Shearith Israel. The following members wrote a few pages about their families in Egypt: Anaf, Ancona, Naggar Baer, Bousso, Naggar Bregman, Carasso Bulow, Capsouto, Cohenca, David, Farhi, Gabbai, Laniado, Lewitinn, Mosseri Naggar, Salama, Sion and Smouha with greetings from Abdela, Harari, Hasson, Acker Levy, Minerbo and Sasson. May 2019

The Roots of the House of Fattal & The Roots of the House of Shalom Chayim Sayeg (Gabay) collected by Abraham Fattalca 1992

Beit Farhi: jewel of the old city of Damascus, History of Beit el Mouallem house.
Blog by Lyn Julius on Point of No Return (February 2021).

Beit Farhi: the 2nd largest palace of the old city of Damascus: See a translated PDF in English) a PDF in English (be patient), Description of Beit el Mouallem house from Syrian Modern History website.
(January 2021).

From Luna I to Luna V: our fantastic journey by Alberto Diwan 2021

The Legacy of the 1840 Damascus Affair by Alain Farhi in Dorot, the Journal of The Jewish Genealogical Society, Summer 2021 Vol 42 Number 4

Aghion Family Saga by Fabio Agion FOSKC Newsletter 7 July202

Egyptian Jewish Surnames by Jacob Rosen (Spanish version) published in El-Pais March 1st 2022.
More surnames for Cairo, Alexandria, Baghdad and Damascus indexes from Jacob Rosen

Interview of Mary Katran nee Marie Farhi (1907-2000) about The Aliya from Syria (1999), in Hebrew and partially English translation to English by Rafi Levy.

The Calcutta Jewish Connection (1798-2022) by David Ashkenazy

Are Syrian Jews Arabs? by Dan Shapira The Tablet 28 July 2021

Le site d' Yves Carmona: his articles in French and English about Asia where he served as French Ambassador, review of books and movies

The untold story of the Obeimaier family in Baghdadand their connection to the Fattal families by Jacob Rosen: in Hebrew and its translation in French.

A short history of Isaac Alfred Aelyon and his family (of Kobe Japan) by A. M. Ofof of Universiteit Leiden .

Les Grandes Familles Juives d'Alexandrie by Mathilde Nawas 30 March 2005

Nova Development Art Explosion