New Books

We are pleased to announce the publication of new books written by members of Les Fleurs de Orient.

Joseph Daniel published a new book on the Moreno Family. His book Les Moreno du Nil is available on Amazaon France or from the publisher website L'Harmatan. See below his press release in French.

Moreno du nil

J’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer la publication de mon dernier livre : « LES MORENO DU NIL -  Le siècle d’une famille juive en Égypte ».

 Il s’agit d’une histoire de ma famille maternelle, les Moreno, depuis que le premier de ses membres a accosté à Alexandrie, vers 1840, jusqu’au moment où le dernier d’entre eux a quitté l’Égypte, en 1964.

 Qui étaient les « Moreno du Nil » ? Quand sont-ils arrivés en Égypte ? Où, comment et de quoi vivaient-ils ? Que savons-nous de leurs études, de leurs activités professionnelles ? De la place, tantôt éminente et tantôt subalterne, des femmes parmi eux ? De leur rapport à la religion juive ? De leurs relations avec la société égyptienne dans son ensemble ? De leur distractions, de leurs vacances ? À partir de quand, et pour quelles raisons, les premiers d’entre eux ont-ils quitté le pays ? Que savons-nous du grand déracinement qui a suivi l’expédition de Suez de 1956 ? Que sont devenus les exilés ?

 Cette tentative biographique a été conduite sur la base d’entretiens approfondis avec des descendants de cette famille, répartis à travers le monde. Elle s’appuie aussi sur divers documents, récits, lettres, qui, par chance, ont été conservés. Néanmoins, cette biographie familiale, fondée sur un puzzle où manquent énormément de pièces et sur des souvenirs qui ne convergent pas toujours, ne prétend ni être complète, ni détenir une vérité incontestable.  Pour tous ceux qui n’ont pas vécu en Égypte, elle multiplie les éclairages politiques, économiques, religieux, culturels, qui permettent de mieux comprendre dans quel contexte s’est déroulée cette saga familiale.

 Le livre, de 300 pages, est illustré de nombreuses photographies et d’arbres généalogiques.

 Il est publié aux éditions L’Harmattan à Paris. On peut le commander sur le site de l'éditeur (, pour le prix de 30 euros en version papier, ou pour 23,99 euros en version numérique, compatible avec toutes les liseuses. Sinon, on peut se le procurer :

 - directement à la librairie L’Harmattan, 16 rue des Écoles, Paris 5è

- en le commandant dans n’importe quelle librairie

- par les sites d’Amazon, de la FNAC, de Decitre, etc.

N’hésitez pas à me contacter si vous souhaitez des précisions.


Kevin Alain Brook has published a 3rd edition of his book "The Jews of Khazaria". The Jews of Khazaria recounts the eventful history of the Turkic kingdom of Khazaria, which was located in eastern Europe and flourished as an independent state from about 650 to 1016 (located in present-day Ukraine and Russia) in the early Middle Ages noted for its adoption of the Jewish religion. The third edition of this modern classic features new and updated material throughout, including new archaeological findings, new genetic evidence, and new information about the migration of the Khazars.

For more information visit his website

THe Jews of Khazaria

To get a 30% discount from the list prices before December 31, 2018), use the promocode RFLANDF30 when ordering from the publisher Rowman & Littlefield

Elie Mangoubi invites you to read his book of poems Réflexions poétiques: Un regard sur le monde now available in Kindle format on Amazon France.

Égypte, inspirations poétiques
Poésie - 262 pages - 140x200
ISBN : 9782342057652
Version papier : 19,00 €
Version numérique au formats PDF : 9,99 €

Égypte, inspirations poétiques

Elie Mangoubi

J'écris des poèmes simples, universels, / Sans prétention, pour exprimer / Et partager mes émotions, mes idées / Avec un monde en changement perpétuel. / [...] / Je souhaite que ma poésie fasse vibrer / La corde musicale de l'amour souverain, /Tout en donnant aux lecteurs de quoi méditer. » Poèmes sensibles, touchants et significatifs, « Égypte, inspirations poétiques » n'est pas un recueil de poésie anodin où le poète n'est que rêveur. Ici, il est avant tout un esprit vif qui allie avec subtilité sensibilité et créativité. Une invitation dans un univers intimiste, aux plus près des racines de l'auteur : l'Égypte.

Nous n'irons plus en Egypte par Ethel Carasso -Roitman. Un livre pour découvrir l’histoire  peu connue d’une communauté vivant en Egypte jusqu’à ce qu’elle en soit expulsée.
Un livre pour soutenir la recherche sur le cancer des enfants et des adolescents en partenariat avec  « Imagine for Margo ».

Pendant la longue maladie de ma fille Elsa, j’ai éprouvé le besoin d’écrire un livre alliant fiction et réalité mais surtout allant puiser au plus profond de mes origines, sans doute pour mieux lui transmettre quelque chose avant son départ. Elle ne l’a pas lu entièrement mais elle l’a vu, l’a touché, l’a parcouru. L’Egypte l’intéressait et elle était friande d’explications et curieuse de cette histoire.
Elsa est morte à 16 ans, le 28 octobre 2013. La postface du livre est consacrée à son combat contre la maladie pendant 14 mois. Pour chaque livre acheté à 15 euros, 50% seront versés à « Imagine for Margo ».

Pour plus d'information, écrire à Ethel CARASSO-ROITMAN par email à eroitman @ free . fr ou la poste à 10, bis allée des Gardes Royales 78000 Versailles, France.


The Journey: From Ismaeleya to Higienópolis - The story of an Egyptian Jew by Alain Bigio, 121 pages,August 10, 2014. ?It is available ?only ?for? tablets only at Whenever I am asked: "Where are you from?" I feel insecure and hesitate to answer. Strange as it may sound, for me the answer is neither simple nor direct. I was born in Cairo Egypt, in 1944, yet I don’t have an Egyptian nationality and can hardly speak the national language, Arabic. I have a French nationality, without ever having lived in France. Although my surname sounds Italian, I don’t speak the Italian. My mother tongue is French, but I prefer to read in English. I have lived in Brazil since I was eight, but I speak Portuguese with an accent as incorrigible as it is undefined: it gives no clue to my origins as it is typical of no place. In Brazil, I studied at the English school, graduated as an Engineer at the University of Sao Paulo, chose the Brazilian nationality and obtained a Brazilian passport. Here I settled and created new roots. So this book of memoirs is a complex answer to that simple question.

Sipping From the Nile: My Exodus From Egypt, a memoir by Jean Naggar, published by Stony Creek Press. 365 pages. ISBN 978-0-9818079-1-1 . "A beautifully written book that reads more like a novel, Jean Naggar's memoir of her Egyptian Jewish family brings to life the unique community brutally destroyed in 1956 with the Suez crisis. Sipping From The Nile will do much to bring some equilibrium to the plight of Jews from Arab lands" Naomi Ragen... . Available on Amazon

Mira Rocca, nee Shamash about her mother's life in Iraq: "Memories of Eden". Check her website to read more about it:

Mathilde Tagger partners with SephardicGen

Mathilde Tagger, award winning co-author of the book "Guidebook for Sephardic and Oriental Genealogical Sources in Israel" and recipient of this year's IAJGS's Lifetime Achievement Award, has kindly decided to place all the many Sephardic databases she has created over the years on the SephardicGen Resources website ( the comprehensive website for Sephardic genealogy.  

To facilitate access to the information in Mathilde Tagger's work, Jeff Malka, the webmaster for SephardicGen created special search engines that help locate names of people and places in the many databases. The list of new databases (plus links to other databases of Sephardic Genealogy interest on the web) can be found at

The SephardicGen Resources website, which was first created in mid 90's, can be found at and is designed to provide not only extensive help for both the new and experienced Sephardic genealogist but also provides links to all the other main Sephardic genealogy resources available on the web. From its main page, one can access the several sections of this extensive website which is devoted entirely to Sephardic genealogy:

A New Book

We are pleased to announce the publication of a book written by a member of Les Fleurs de Orient. Nancy Khedouri published a book about The Jewish Community of Bahrain . On June 5th, 2007, Nancy had the honour of meeting HRM THE KING to present a copy of her book entitled "FROM OUR BEGINNING TO PRESENT DAY..." which is about the history of the Jewish Community of Bahrain. The book will be launched soon at the Jashanmals Bookstore in Bahrain. Foreign distributors for the book are to be announced. The arabic title of the photo can be transalated as "Receiving a book about the history of the Jewish Community of Bahrain - who they were and who remain to present day..." . For a larger photo of that event, click on its thumbnail.


Sephardic Heritage DNA Study

The first results of the Sephardic Heritage study have been published on the FamilyTreeDNA website. The aim was to find 1) the possible existence of a common ancestor for people having the same surname and 2) the geographic origins of that ancestor. For more details on the results, click on Sephardic Heritage DNA Study .

Academic Institute for Jewish Genealogy 

The International Institute for Jewish Genealogy and Paul Jacobi Center opened on 26th January, 2006 in the Jewish National and University Library at Givat Ram, Jerusalem.

After riveting the attentions of thousands of Jews throughout the world over the past two decades, Jewish genealogy and family history has reached a level of maturity that makes it ripe to take its place in the academic world. To that end, the new Institute has two main aims - to engage in Jewish genealogical research and teaching at the university level and to make Jewish Genealogy a recognized academic discipline within the realm of Jewish Studies.

The Institute is the only one of its kind in the Jewish world. It plans to operate on an interdisciplinary basis and also in a collaborative way with organizations engaged in aspects of Jewish genealogy. It will put a premium on innovative programmes and projects of practical benefit to individual family historians.

Its establishment is the result of efforts over the last two years of an international Founding Committee, headed by Dr. Sallyann Sack, Ph.D., of Washington, DC. Dr. Yosef Lamdan, D.Phil., has been appointed as Director of the Institute.

The Institute is funding a Sephardic DNA study involving several families from the Fleurs de L'Orient. One of the objectives of that study is to analyse the migration of the Sepahrdic families from the Iberian Peninsula to today.

The Sephardim of Manchester
Pedigrees and Pioneers

We are pleased to announce the publication of a book ( 384 pages) written by Lydia Collins in collaboration with Morris Bierbrier about the genealogy of the Sephardim families (over 100) of Manchester (UK) from the mid 19th century onward. The 10,000 names, 250 illustrations which is the culmination of over 15 years of research is the most complete documentation about these Families. It can only be purchased for £20 from Shaare Hayim. The Sephardi Congregation of South Manchester, 8 Queenston Road, West Didsbury, Manchester, M20 2WZ, UK.

les Fleurs de l'Orient would like to thank Lydia and Morris for the honour and privilege to have shared some of their data over the last 11 years.

Two New Books

We are pleased to announce the publication of two books written by members of Les Fleurs de Orient.

Fortunée Dwek published a book about her father, "Nonno, un Juif d'Egypte. Click on front cover to view it. For more information, view the announcement at Nonno Announcement.

Michel Barda has published a book named Apres Soi on how to prepare his own death. For more information, visit the publisher's web site or download a copy of the front cover & back cover.

Siddur Farhi

Dr. Hilel Farhi's Daily, Shabbat and Festival Prayers book has been reprinted and is available in many countries. The Siddur Farhi which was first published in 1914, offers an Arabic translation of the daily prayers according to Sephardic rites. It is a complete Siddur to be used all year or as collector's book.

About 500 copies have being printed. The Siddur has a beige laminated cover with the Farhi crest. An additional special edition, limited to fifty copies, has a gold embossed brown leather cover and gold edging. An electronic version on CD ROMs, is available. The 2013 edition is sold out. A new print-o- demand 2015 Siddur Farhi version is available on the Amazon websites.

For a preview, click on Siddur preview