Paris Dinner Reunion

May 13th, 2002
Le Génie D'Or Restaurant
La Bastille, Paris

Organised by Jacques "Ceki" Farhi with the collaboration of Robert Farhi, Claudine Fellous and many more.

Merci aux "Gentils Organisateurs"

First Reunion Meeting

For many years, the idea of an international meeting of the Farhi has been discussed among many of us but the herculean task of organising one discouraged many of us and nothing materialised.

In April 2002, Ceki , on a business trip, visited me in Taipei and suggested that a smaller regional reunion in Paris might be of interest and easily done. He suggested that he could organise one dinner if I ever made a trip to France. Since I was planning a European trip the following month, we set the date for May 13, 2002.

A month later, after many emails, calls and letters by Ceki , Robert, and Claudine Fellous and yours truly, the dinner was held without pomp or ceremony in Paris au Génie D'or near la Bastille, a restaurant managed by Adel of Egypt. About 7 pm, 40 guests (Farhi and spouses and friends) met for dinner. The menu and wine were French. At the same time, several Farhi from Istanbul who could not make the trip, held a similar dinner and a telephone link was established. Adriana Dinar of Barcelona organised the latter one.

We were honored to have the presence of Chief Rabbi Daniel Farhi and his family among us.

After the cocktails, introduction and short speeches about the reunion, the Genealogy of the Farhi, we sat for a dinner that went well past midnight. Each guest spoke briefly about themselves, their ancestry and current family. We all felt part of one big family.

The Farhi were mainly French residents but their ancestors or themselves came from Bulgaria, Tunisia, Turkey, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt.

Several knew each other before the dinner and were all eager to meet again for another dinner or event before year end.

Here are some photos taken during the evening.

Contact Sheet with Names
Low Resolution (36K)
High Resolution (200K)

Composite Photo (200K)

Green Tree